联系电话:86-27-8719 8329 电子邮件:jzhang@wipm.ac.cn。
Faculty and Post-doctoral Positions in Atomic and Molecular Theory
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Two faculty positions and a few post-doctoral positions are available at Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science to carry out research in atomic and molecular collision theory and many-body theory of atomic structure. The recruited candidates will work in the group lead by Prof. Jun-Yi Zhang, a candidate of “100 Talents Program” of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
A. Requirements
1. For faculty positions (associate professors): Candidates for the faculty positions should have a PhD in theoretical and computational atomic and molecular physics or related area and a high-quality publication record in atomic and molecular collision theory and/or many-body theory of atomic structure. The candidates must have a two-year or longer research experience after PhD. A working experience at an internationally well-known institute is preferred.
2. For the post-doctoral positions: Candidates should have or should be about to obtain a PhD in theoretical and computational atomic and molecular physics or related area and a high-quality publication record in atomic and molecular theory. These post-doctoral positions are for two years (with a possibility of extension).
B. Remuneration and Benefits
Salaries and benefits are determined according to the standards of Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics.
C. Recruitment procedure
1. The positions are available immediately. Recruitment will continue until the positions are filled.
2. The application (including CV, publication list, research proposal, contact information of two references and a cover letter) should be sent to Prof. Jun-Yi Zhang by email: jzhang@wipm.ac.cn
3. The candidates who pass the initial screening will be invited to have an interview.
D. Contact information: Prof. Jun-Yi Zhang, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, Hubei, China, E-Mail address: jzhang@wipm.ac.cn, Phone: +86-27-87198329.
E. More information about the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics can be found at http://english.wipm.cas.cn. To have more details about the positions, please contact Prof. Jun-Yi Zhang.
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